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Cambodian Blessing Dance

The Cambodian Blessing Dance known as Robam Jun Por, Robam Baj Pka or "Welcoming dance" is a Khmer traditional dance. This dance means to "bring luck and prosperity" to the audience as its lyrics and movements describes "wishing for happiness". Usually, this dance is performed in most happy formal occasions like wedding celebrations and opening ceremonies. The odd amount of women either 3, 5 or 7 performs this dance wherein the middle dancer usually dresses in different colors and represents the main dancer or the angel that comes to bless everyone in happiness, success and prosperity. The ladies put on costumes like angels and every one of them holds a goblet filled with jasmine, lotus or romdoul blossoms. The flowers tossed toward the audience represents blessings from God upon them.

On April 09, 2016 this dance was performed in the Dutch Canadian Club in Edmonton, AB to celebrate Khmer New Year. The artists are Khmer Canadian teenage girls who volunteer to bless the Khmer residents in Edmonton area as well as to let Khmer art shine. This team has been organized by Mrs. Darya Poev, a former student in Royal University of Fine Art in Cambodia and supported by the Cambodian Canadian Friendship Society of Edmonton and Areas, as well as the Khmer people living in the area.

The dance team in this Khmer New Year celebration would like to thank all donors who have financially supported them and all Cambodians who encourage them to keep up the good work.

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